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Webinar: Is there life after this profession?

Is there life after this profession?

In Beruf, Karriere > Sonstiges

Dieses Webinar wurde noch nicht bewertet.

o Unbridgeable differences with the boss or colleagues?
o Stress and heavy workload are creating health problems?
o Bored with the profession or with the daily routines?
o Quest for meaning and purpose?
o (Financial) worries regarding the time after retirement?
o ...

There are many reasons why we eventually face up to this question. What comes next? In this impulse webinar you will learn

o why a self-employment or a (side-line) entrepreneurship is a suitable solution for almost everyone and which professional activities are feasible for a side-line entrepreneurship

o how to ensure that the desire for a career change is based on a sovereign choice rather than on a desperate attempt to escape from reality

This webinar is also available in German:
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