
Academy of ICUnet, Service Provider EMA/OCEANS


(210 Bewertungen)

Webinar: Interview and Job Offer Negotiation

Interview and Job Offer Negotiation

In Beruf, Karriere > Karriere

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One of the most important negotiations is that when we apply to a job after our masters or PhD.. This negotiation, although it seems professional, involves lots of emotions and worries. We want to secure that dream job, but at the same time we want to get the maximum in our benefits. Once the HR manager sends us an offer for that dream job we have been battling to get for months, we find ourselves in front of a big dilemma; should we accept the offer as is, or we should negotiate further benefits. In this webinar, we would like to explore this dilemma and go few steps before to explore how we negotiate our path through the job interviews.

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