
Sa'Sen Yin Int. Ria Panen Godesberg

Ria Panen Godesberg

Ria Panen Godesberg

  • Ria Panen Godesberg hat 6 von 6 Punkten. Maximal sind 6 Punkte zu erreichen.
  • (3)

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Online-Seminare: 2


Über mich

Ria is the founder and creator of the Sa’Sen Yin non-methodical Method. This is a no-method as she shows each person her/his own individual path. The essence of her work is to help people find their way to a profound state of love, consciousness and self-reliance. She makes it her major task to show people the path to their inner Selves, so they can live their full potential. The emphasis is on whole(holistic) health. Those who seek her guidance learn to heal their inner selves and be of service to others. In 1987 she created the first two integral parts of this method: reintegration massage and etheric osteopathy. She trains the “whole package” consisting of different techniques to new therapists around the world, including reading the Akashic records, Chakra-readings, working with Children as well as the already mentioned reintegration massage and etheric osteopathy. The Sa’Sen Yin Method is also used to diagnose and treat animals, especially horses. She will give her webinars in english, german, spanish and dutch if wished for.

You can find more about Ria on her website

Ich suche:


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When each person would live even "only" half of their potential, we would have a happy world. So that is the goal: help people to discover and learn to live their potential. This includes relearning the original state of clairvoyance in consciousness, for which one will unlearn lots of unnecessary habits. The main tool for people who have already worked on themselves and are familiar with inner work and want to awaken more, is THE COURSE which is discribed on the website The Course can me done in person (Germany/Ibiza) of over Skype.


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