
Randall Birnberg

Randall Birnberg

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Online-Seminare: 0
Abonnenten dieser Akademie: 1


Über mich

I'm an American educator, trainer and keynote speaker certified in Positive Psychology Coaching.

Ich suche:

People who want to be happy and benefit from its scientifically proven results.


-Moderate company events and Kick-offs
-Motivate staff on goal setting and reaching targets
-Inspire individual spirit through interactive presentation.

-Coach management and staff on Positive Business
-Enable individuals to set and reach their goals
-Train government officials on Positive Citizenship

-Give university lectures on Positive Education
-Help teachers find ways to focus and support student's strengths
-Provide coaches with additional tools to use in their existing profession

Spezialisiert auf:

Positive Psychology is booming! Wherever you look today, be it in print media, digital media, or on TV, you'll notice an increase in interest on the topic of happiness.

It is an approach based on a relatively new branch of psychology called "positive psychology" which, in recent years, has been adopted as a management tool by a number of Fortune 500 companies.


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