
HEAD LINER International Career & Study Services

Irina Stoehr

Irina Stoehr

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Online-Seminare: 4


Über mich

Ich suche:


Online Deutschkurse, Deutschkurse in Nürnberg

Spezialisiert auf:

Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Studium in Deutschland, Arbeiten in Deutschland, Duales Studium, Vorstellungsgespräche


The Best Way to Learn German
Where do you come from? Do you plan to do something in Germany? Do you have 1000
questions, tasks or even already first problems?
We know this situation very well!
We are an international team and for 8 years we have been helping people like you to
reach their dreams.
To be able to successfully work and live in Germany you need some competences. Your
most important task is to learn German!
A good knowledge of German will open up so many possibilities for you!
You can find new friends, study at a University, get a scholarship, find a good job and travel
all over the world!
With our great German courses we will help you to learn German.
With our personal consultations we will not leave you alone with your future plans and
provide you with the information on such issues like visa, study, looking and applying for a
job in Germany and Austria.

Wir haben festgestellt, dass Ihre Uhrzeit von der voreingestellten Zeitzone (MEZ) abweicht.

Vielleicht ist Ihre Computer-Uhr anders eingestellt oder Sie befinden sich in einer anderen Zeitzone?

Folgende Zeitzonen haben wir als Vorschlag für Sie bestimmt:

Passende Zeitzonen

Alle Zeitzonen

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