
MAP Success Community - with Etienne Dubach

Etienne Dubach

Etienne Dubach

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Online-Seminare: 1


Über mich

I used to cook for over 10 Years. When I was 25 years old, I decided to change my profession, cause I saw it just as a dead end: Either I stay a Chef and smell like french fries forever, or i own a restaurant and then I am stuck there for at least 5 years 365 days a year. NO WAY.

I followed my sisters attempts, to make money in California and that's where I got to know the first MLMs (Multi Level marketing). I quickly saw interesting potential, but I could never sell the stuff, that my sister was selling. She worked with dietary products, Shakes and even vacation offers. I realized: I can not sell a product that I am not fully convinced about. Actually, I didn`d want to sell a product at all and still wanted to earn money with it!

It took me 10 years and over 15 other interesting business ideas to meet "My advertising pays".

Ich suche:


Spezialisiert auf:

Marketing, Business Opportunities, Online Business, Training, Coaching


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